Dupuytren's Contracture Cream

What Factors Aggravate Dupuytren's Contracture?

Dupuytren's Contracture is a condition that results in the thickening of a layer of tissue found in the palm, also known as palmar fasciaThe disease worsens gradually and can make it difficult to bend the fingers without pain.

Doctors have yet to find the exact cause of the disease, however, current research suggests that it is hereditary. Peter J. Evans, MD, Ph.D., an orthopedic surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, believes that the condition is more common than it seems, but many people never get diagnosed since they have a painless and mild form of the condition. Some reports suggest that certain risk factors can aggravate Dupuytren's Contracture progression rate. Let’s find out more about them and any data that exists:


Men are at a significantly higher risk for the condition. One study from 2009 found that men are six times more likely to have the condition than women are. Another study found that about 63% of all patients are men. We do not currently know why men are more likely to have this disease, but some experts believe it may be due to certain chemical reactions that occur in the body.

Other Conditions

Those who suffer from medical conditions such as diabetes have a higher risk of having the disease. A report published in 2011 found that those who have diabetes for a longer period of time are at a greater risk of having Dupuytren's. Doctors believe that changes in blood flow to the palm can cause Dupuytren's. Hence, it’s believed that high or low blood pressure may also aggravate the disease.

Some experts also believe that the use of certain medications can worsen existing cases of Dupuytren's. Some research has found a connection between medications containing phenobarbital and the development of Dupuytren's contracture.

Family History 

Since the disease is said to be hereditary, you’re at greater risk if someone in your family has or had the disease. This is particularly true of those who have northern European or Scandinavian ancestry.


Dupuytren’s contracture is directly linked to your age. The older you get, the worse your chances are for experiencing symptoms of this condition. The mean age of patients with Dupuytren's is 59 and about 80% of all individuals with this problem are over the age of 40.


Drinking and smoking can aggravate Dupuytren's according to some reports. It’s believed that smoking can be more dangerous for individuals who already have the disease since it affects blood supply. There isn’t much evidence to prove that drinking also plays a role in aggravating the condition, but some doctors believe it can do harm. There is still much speculation about the latter of these lifestyle choices, which is why "Dupuytren's contracture" and "alcohol" are two terms commonly searched for together.

Excessive Work

Putting too much pressure on your hand can aggravate the condition and lead to problems. Dupuytren's contracture usually worsens gradually but those who do manual labor experience a quicker progression due to high levels of exertion in the hands. Fortunately, there are solutions for this problem. You can try Dupuytren's contracture exercises or all natural contracture cream if you are living with this condition.


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