Is Dupuytren's Contracture Hereditary?
Dupuytren's Contracture is an old affliction; so old that it’s sometimes called “Viking’s disease,” as it occurs mainly in those of Northern European ancestry. This is also a hereditary condition, meaning it can be passed down from one generation to another.
What Is Dupuytren's Contracture?
Not everyone knows about it, but Dupuytren's Contracture is quite widespread. It occurs in 6-9% of the population. Dupuytren's more commonly (and more severely) affects older men. The condition usually develops later in life because connective tissues and other body parts begin to deteriorate.
Dupuytren's Contracture is characterized by fingers that are bent inward and cannot easily be straightened. It also causes nodules or cord-like bumps that sometimes appear on the palm. The disease impacts connective tissue (fascia) in the hand. In people with Dupuytren's, fascia in the hand becomes thick and immobile as opposed to it being thin and loose in other people.
The shortening and thickening of the hand’s connective tissue causes one or more fingers to get pulled inward. The index finger is usually the first to exhibit this symptom, which can be misleading, as it appears like trigger finger does.
In its early stages, Dupuytren's Contracture is not dangerous and most people experience little to no pain. The most common complaint is mild tenderness. As it develops, however, Dupuytren's can become quite debilitating, especially if multiple fingers are affected.
As the condition progresses, daily tasks such as reaching into your pocket, shaving, grasping, picking things up, and more can become difficult.
How to Treat Dupuytren's Contracture
Management and avoidance are two contrasting ways to respond to Dupuytren's Contracture. The best thing anyone can do if they start to experience hand pain or see nodules develop is to consult a doctor. If symptoms are confirmed as Dupuytren's, there are several options. Surgery is one treatment, but this is usually reserved for people who have already tried conservative approaches.
Non-surgical options include finger stretching and strengthening exercises, which improve flexibility by elongating the connective tissue in the hand. Other options are manual massage (using the other hand) and the use of a natural Dupuytren's Contracture cream.
Many people with Dupuytren's Contracture have found tremendous relief from massage combined with a natural contracture cream. This is because connective tissue is pliable and can be softened quite a bit through proper care, exercise, and stretching.
Contracture cream from Dupuytrensco is a potent combination of Arnica-Montana, Vitamin E, Tamasul Oil, Aloe Vera, and Sunflower Oil. These ingredients work together to form an effective treatment that has worked wonders for many people with Dupuytren's contracture.
Some old-fashioned physicians have been criticized for consistently operating on people with Dupuytren's. However, over the past few decades, the medical community has endorsed the fact that many connective tissue disorders can be treated via non-surgical methods. While surgery can be an effective option, it's a good rule of thumb to avoid it when possible. People with Dupuytren's should remain in close contact with their doctor, not only regarding conventional treatment methods but any alternative options they are using.
Can Dupuytren's Be Prevented?
As with most genetic diseases, Dupuytren's Contracture is not yet fully preventable. There is interesting research being done on countless genetic disorders, which may yield incredible results. However, for now, we can only manage and treat symptoms of this condition.
For those who do not see improvement from natural techniques like massage, stretching, and natural cream, surgery may be recommended per the advice of your doctor.
Healthy lifestyle also plays a big part in hereditary ailments. Regardless of what health concerns you experience, diet and exercise are likely to decrease your chance of negative outcomes while improving your overall well-being.
Daily exercise and anti-inflammatory foods seem to be especially important when dealing with anything to do with connective tissue. This is because both methods encourage flexibility, which loosens up the tissue in the hand and helps decrease tension while increasing motion. While it's normal for tissue to become more rigid as someone ages, this doesn't mean you should accept symptoms of Dupuytren's and not try to manage them.
A hundred years ago, it was common for people to die of natural causes before 50. Similarly, in another hundred years, people may shake their heads in disbelief that we were so negatively impacted by diseases like Dupuytren's Contracture. The point is: many of these conditions may one day be preventable but, for the time being, they respond to natural techniques quite well.
Dealing With Dupuytren's Contracture
Regardless of how minor or major a particular disease is, some people will choose to ignore it. These people simply grin and bear the pain. In some cases, people do this because they fear treatment will cost too much. They may choose to avoid it because they are old-fashioned or have an innate mistrust of doctors.
Either way, it's unwise to bury your head in the sand, especially when it comes to your health. Early treatment is key for many conditions; this is as true for Dupuytren's Contracture as it is for cancer. If you feel something is wrong, take the time to consult your doctor. The medical community agrees that early identification and treatment of disease is perhaps the most effective means of ensuring a positive outcome.
As we mentioned, you need not fear if you have Dupuytren's Contracture, but it is important to know what you are dealing with. If your diagnosis is confirmed, you can begin using natural methods like contracture cream.
Some patients have found that nodules almost completely disappear as a result of ongoing application of their cream. It's important to know that the nature of Dupuytren's will cause it to come back periodically. This is why you should consistently use your cream, even if the nodules have disappeared.
Remember the keys to managing Dupuytren's: strengthen your connective tissue every day by stretching your hand and massaging with natural Dupuytren's Contracture cream once or twice daily.
For some people, Dupuytren's Contracture may only result in minor issues. But others may experience bending of the fingers and severe immobility. It's best not to risk irreversible damage, which can result if you ignore this condition.
Be proactive in your health and wellness by seeing a trained physician who can diagnose you, offer treatment, and advise you on natural or non-invasive methods.
In order to keep connective tissue in the hands strong and flexible, focus on an anti-inflammatory diet, strengthening exercises, and consistent massage. You can strengthen and stretch connective tissues to relieve pain and improve how they move.
By combining these efforts, you can do a better job managing your Dupuytren's and improving your overall well-being.
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