People who suffer fromDupuytren's Contracture may seek relief in several ways ranging from topical creams to surgery. The effectiveness of each potential treatment depends on a variety of factors, the most important being how far the disease has progressed.
People living with this progressive hand deformity will be pleased to learn that certain stretches for Dupuytren’s Contracture may help. When done in the early stages of Dupuytren's Contracture, these simple exercises can relieve symptoms and improve quality-of-life.
Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse or cureDupuytren's. But the silver lining is that it progresses very slowly. This means most people with this condition won't require surgery, and can usually manage their symptoms with home remedies, including Dupuytrens stretching exercises.
Stretches for Dupuytrens intended to relieve Dupuytren's symptoms should not be painful. This level of discomfort is an indicator you're pushing yourself too hard, so it's a good idea to stop any exercise that causes pain.
Working through pain can do more harm than good, so start slowly. Go at a steady pace, taking breaks as needed. Stretching exercises should help you manage your condition by easing discomfort, so look for any signs of this.
You can perform Dupuytrens stretches several times each day if you are so inclined. Remember to avoid causing pain by going too hard on yourself. You are in charge, so consider establishing a regular routine that works best for you and your lifestyle. This will also allow you to see steady improvements.
Here are a few stretching exercises that you may find useful:
Dupuytren's is a progressive disease. If you have already begun to experience contractures, some of these stretching exercises may be difficult. You can also use your other hand to gently straighten a contracted finger. Hold it straight for a few seconds and release. You can also repeat this as long as it's comfortable.
Here are some other ways you can manage Dupuytren's:
Anything you can do to reduce inflammation is helpful. It's a good idea to add more leafy, green vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fatty fish to your diet. These types of food help fight inflammation and give the body the nutrients it needs to recover.
Dupuytren's contracture, or Dupuytren's Disease, is unknown in origin and has no cure. It's a progressive disease that slowly gets worse over time. In its advanced stage, Dupuytren's causes your fingers (usually the little finger, ring finger, and sometimes the thumb) to involuntarily bend inward toward your palm. This is called a flexion contracture.
Contractures occur because an excessive amount of collagen builds up in the palmar fascia, which is the fibrous connective tissue that anchors skin to your palm. Fascia makes it so the skin on the front of your hand isn't loose like that found on the top of your hand. This allows people to grip objects more easily.
Dupuytren's progresses very slowly. Home remedies like hand and finger stretches, heat pads, and topical applications work for about 80% of people with this condition. The need for treatment increases each decade after the appearance of the first lump. So the remaining 20% of people who require intervention for this condition are usually older.
The first sign is often a small, hard lump (called a nodule) near where the bottom of the finger attaches to the palm. Sometimes there is more than one lump to start, or more that develop over time. These lumps are usually not painful, but they may be a little sensitive.
As collagen levels increase, the palmar fascia starts to thicken. Soon, you will see a raised, cord-like band going from your palm to one or more fingers. As the disease progresses, this cord becomes tighter and causes the affected fingers to bend inward. This bend will eventually increase and cause difficulty straightening the finger. At the advanced stages of this condition, you won't be able to straighten it at all.
Around 15 million people in the United States are living with Dupuytren's. Certain risk factors increase someone's likelihood of developing this condition:
You should always consult a doctor if you are concerned that you might have Dupuytren's, because symptoms can mirror other medical conditions. If you observe the following signs on your own, write them down and tell your doctor:
Your doctor will be able to offer the best advice, but most people don't require treatment beyond the home remedies we mentioned. If you do need treatment, it usually involves one or more of these procedures:
A regular regimen of hand stretches is an effective home remedy for managing symptoms of Dupuytren's Contracture. While they can't cure or completely stop the disease's progression, they can help you live your life with less pain.